Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Line of Respect


It took me 30 years to put "the line of respect" into words.
Deep in my heart I wished that someone would have explained this concept to me much earlier in life. There is no way of knowing if I would have done things differently though.

In every friendship and in every relationship there is a "line of respect."
The more you get to know a person, the clearer that "line" is defined.
When the line is very clear, it hurts when it is crossed.
When the line is vague, the pain is much less.

Is it possible to deliberately cross that line without a relationship suffering permanant
damage? Even if trust is restored, the line itself seems to possess the memories forever.
The term, "You can forgive but you cannot forget."

Cherish the line of respect in each and every friendship/relationship in your life.
Even if someone crosses your line, do not cross thiers.
Remember that you cannot take back a single word you've uttered,
nor can you undo a single action you have performed.
Never, never, ever allow your ego to seek revenge.
A well preserved ego doesn't make for much of a companion to grow old with.