Tuesday, June 10, 2008


When the road seems long
And you're feeling as though you can't go on
Think of the people who love you
And smile

When the journey seems endless
And you begin to feel weary
Take a deep breath
And count your blessings

At the beginning of the day
When you are wondering "Why?"
"How can things have turned out this way?"
Look up to the clouds, and know
That God, whatever you conceive him to be...
Has a plan, and nothing happens unless it was meant to be
There are no coincidences

There is a reason for everything
Although at times it may not be so clear
Try not to worry yourself too much
Worry puts strain on your soul

When the people around you try to drag you down
Gently remind them that life is too short
And that every moment is valuable
And in doing this, you are also reminding yourself

When things get out of control
It might seem as though your life is not going well
You may find yourself in those familiar situations
When these things happen, reach deep in your soul
That is where you will find reason

There is not better time than right now!
Today can be the day that you decide to change your life
Each change you make that is positive
Helps rearrange your life for the better
Sometimes these changes may seem insignificant or small
Unless you focus on your ultimate goal

- Jennifer Kollert 2002

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