Thursday, January 13, 2011

Take the "T" from "can't" and you have "Can"

I sat in the doctors office smelling disinfectant.
I always exaggerated my condition.
Feigning sympathy, for attention.
What small bruise would I magnify today?

The doctor walked in and met my pout prepared face.
He asked me where I hurt with genuine concern on his face.
I showed him my bruised knee and explained that I couldn't walk.
Every time I tried, I was uncomfortable from the pain.

He looked at me and smiled and told me to GET UP.
GET UP and walk across the room, (he pointed) and straight out that door!
"But, I fell down and hurt myself, and it hurts to walk," I complained.
The next words that the doctor said to me, changed my life, so I will pass them on:

"If I told you to get up and walk out that door, and you say that you "can't," you are a liar! If I were to cut off your legs, then tell you to walk out that door, THEN you would be able to honestly say, "I can't!""

After I got over my embarrasment I really thought about what the doctor was saying.

Unless it is physically impossible for you to get up off your ass and do something,
Take the "t" away from "can't" and you realize, you "can"!

Each and every one of us is exactly where we want to be,
(unless we are lacking the arms and/or legs to change our environment/location).
Just because we feel pain, it doesn't mean that we CAN'T do something.
It just means that we are going to experience some pain or discomfort.

Poor, rich, healthy, free, stressed, happy, content.
We are exactly where we need to be.

The experiences we go through are MEANT to be, ordained by some higher power, (perhaps our soul insists that we learn certain lessons during our lifetime, and it makes sense that if you don't learn a lesson the first time, somehow, you must repeat it, until you do!)

If you are content with what you have, then you are rich!
Remember, rich people are rarely happy because of the things they have.
So, it is up to each of us to take responsibility for where we are and for what we are becoming.

Jennifer Kollert

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